The Purple & 白色|十大最好的网赌平台校园故事|十大最好的网赌平台-十大网赌平台推荐

January | 2024

Stories and photos from Ashley Hall’s campus that highlight what students and faculty are achieving each month together.


黑人的历史就是美国的历史,在阿什利大厅,人们以各种方式庆祝黑人的历史. Last month, 50 spirited members of our community, 包括每个部门的学生, faculty, and parents, 游行参加查尔斯顿一年一度的马丁·路德·金纪念日. Day Parade. 这是近代史上规模最大的一次游行, and as we enter Black History Month, which begins today, 教育工作者们正准备迎接一个忙碌的月,这个月充满了十大网赌平台推荐社会正义的讨论, history, and belonging.

In Pardue Hall, the Lower School will honor Black History Month with a series of weekly student-led presentations during which each grade will take the stage to educate their peers on topics ranging from key civil rights moments in history to the power of peaceful protest. 在IP大楼的体育场地对面, fifth grade classes will be collaborating to make a quilt detailing the stories of many influential Black Americans.

In the Upper School, juniors will be heading off campus to explore McLeod Plantation Historic Site as a part of their study of Reconstruction, the period during which the South was reincorporated back into the Union and freed people were granted the rights and privileges of full citizenship. 麦克劳德是当地一座重要的奴隶制历史和解放历史纪念碑,” explains U.S. 历史老师约翰·纳格勒,他将带领学生在校外进行这次探索.

Students also have the opportunity to take part in two exciting student-led events focused on strengthening bonds in our diverse community in the coming months led by Assistant Head of School for Student Affairs Cintra Horn. On Friday, February 16, 一群学生将前往萨凡纳参加一年一度的低国家学生多样性会议, 一项将年轻领袖聚集在一起促进多样性的倡议, equity, and inclusion (DEI). 今年3月,十大最好的网赌平台还将与波特-高德共同主办一场十大网赌平台推荐归属感的学生领袖峰会. The summit will include students in grades 8-12 and focus on building community and developing leadership skills to enhance the sense of belonging at our schools.

Follow Ashley Hall on Instagram for highlights of the incredible learning happening during Black History Month and beyond



Second grade minds have been spinning for months thanks to a very special science project focused on tracking the life cycle of the silkworm. “We have been studying insects, including ladybugs, Painted Lady butterflies, 和蚕,为十大网赌平台推荐的小学计划(PYP)昆虫侦探小组提供服务,低年级教师玛丽·奥唐奈说. 然而,蚕一直是十大网赌平台推荐的骄傲和喜悦. 她们吸引了女孩们的注意,也吸引了整个帕杜霍尔的注意.”

With hand-held magnifying lenses, 学生们上学期通过观察10只小蚕开始了这个项目, 每个只有2毫米大小, hatch from their eggs. 奥唐纳说:“这才是乐趣真正开始的时候. “We kept a silkworm journal, and each day, 十大网赌平台推荐会换掉食物,观察蚕的生长情况. 然后每隔几天,女孩们就会记录下她们的观察结果并画一幅画.“这是蚕惊人生命周期的快照, 从她学生的角度来看:

The Larva Stage蚕在幼虫期为20-30天. “十大网赌平台推荐必须尽可能保持教室的温暖, about 75 degrees, to help them grow,” O’Donnell says. “When the silkworms were big enough, 女孩们能够握住它们,感受它们的皮肤有多柔软.“在寒假期间,他们的蠕虫大小增加了两倍.

The Pupa Stage在元旦那天,第一只蚕开始结茧. 但这一切发生得并不快,34岁的Vivienne Allen解释道. “It took a whole night,” she says. “它在旋转,于是十大网赌平台推荐制作了一个视频.” O’Donnell set up a time-lapse video 为了捕捉蚕24小时制茧的惊人过程.

The Moth Stage: Sixteen days after spinning, 这个班级的第一只蚕蛾是在蚕茧上钻了一个洞才出来的. “Once they are moths, 它们不吃也不飞,因为它们无法在野外生存,” Alice Carrico ’34 explains. 这样便于学生近距离观察飞蛾. “他们的脚粘在你身上,所以他们真的逃不掉, and their abdomen is really fluffy,” Carrico says.

DID YOU KNOW? 蚕是家养的昆虫,只用于产卵和产丝. 大多数在蛹阶段被杀死,这样它们制造的丝线就可以完好无损地保存下来. The lifespan of a silkmoth is only a short 5-10 days – just long enough for students to appreciate this little creature!



If you thought the fun of celebrating the holidays was all said and done by the time classes resumed at Ashley Hall after the break this January, think again. 只要问问奥尔加·朗西班牙语课上的鹦鹉螺和高年级学生就知道了.

朗解释说:“在说西班牙语的国家,人们通常比十大网赌平台推荐晚一周庆祝礼物。. “Three Kings’ Day or El Día de los Reyes Magos is a national holiday in Spain. 它在1月6日举行,而前一天晚上类似于平安夜.”

Students dove into learning La Navidad 在12月,以及它的送礼传统. “在西班牙传统上,它是国王,或者 Reyes朗说:“他们会收到孩子们的来信,并‘送’礼物,而不是圣诞老人。. To work on their language skills – and get in touch with their inner child – students were tasked with choosing their favorite King, Melchor, Gaspar, or Baltasar, 给他们写封信,介绍自己,并提出一些礼物的要求.

为他们探索西班牙节日背后的历史画上句号, on January 8 students took part in another tradition that happens every December 31 in Spanish households: las doce uvas de la suerte or the “twelve lucky grapes.这是2024年马德里著名的新年前夜直播的录音 Puerta del Sol playing in the background – in Spanish of course – Long passed out tiny cups of green grapes to students and explained how the tradition works:

就在午夜前几秒钟,一个球飞过 Puerta del Sol 开始下降,接着是四声钟声,警告你重要的时刻即将到来. Then, 在新年的午夜,12个钟敲响了每一个钟声, you must eat one grape. The goal is to finish all your grapes before the chimes finish ringing if you want good luck for the year!



In 2010, Ashley Hall launched a new wellness program called the Personal Awareness and Wellness Seminar (PAWS). Since, the program, 以及支持它的教职员工的数量, has done nothing but grow.

“Historically, 当健康项目发展起来的时候, we only had a very small amount of time during monthly assemblies to get social-emotional programming to students on a regular basis,” explains Director of Counseling and Upper School Student Life Kelly Sumner who helped launch the PAWS program. Today, however, 高年级学生的社会情感编程通过两门必修课提供, 以及学生生活系列, 为9-12年级学生举办的一套为期一年的集会.

Each Student Life Series assembly features different age-appropriate speakers or activities that fall under the social-emotional, life skills, and college counseling umbrella. “这个系列让十大网赌平台推荐更深入地了解一个特定的主题, 然后还要引入社区专业人士,高中教师兼9-12年级的顾问Katie neighbors说. “教职员工参与支持十大网赌平台推荐的学生, as well as Ashley Hall parents, community members, and even alumnae.”

Last month, the Student Life Series hosted Ashley Hall parent Wood Marchant who is the Director of Collegiate Recovery at the College of Charleston to share his knowledge of substance abuse and addiction with freshmen and juniors. At the same time across campus, Bank On, 这是查尔斯顿市提供免费金融研讨会的项目, 教育大二和大四的学生如何预算, saving, and credit management.

除了演讲外,学生生活系列还包括互动体验. 萨姆纳说:“它让十大网赌平台推荐可以做一些不利于课堂环境的不同事情。. For example, in February, 该系列赛将举办一个分心驾驶活动,由国家安全委员会赞助, Neighbours shares. “We’ll be closing off Smith Street so students in grades 10-12 can rotate through different activities related to driving safety.”

“This programming aims to offer crucial life skills to students every year of their high school experience, 不管他们什么时候报名参加健康课程. It also helps them stay connected to the counseling department so they know it’s always there for them.——咨询和高年级学生生活主任凯利·萨姆纳



This spring, Ashley Hall is joining a new rec-level youth lacrosse league in collaboration with South Carolina Youth Lacrosse – and there was a new face in the gym last month to let students know what it’s all about.

一月份的两个星期,曲棍球队的主管 South Carolina Youth Lacrosse 泰勒·布莱克斯通在2-6年级加入黑豹队,担任体育课的客座教练.E. class to share her love for lacrosse. “年轻运动员非常愿意学习,他们喜欢尝试新事物,”布兰克斯通说. “That’s why you start in P.E. 我发现,每当一个新来的孩子拿起曲棍球棒,他们就会上瘾.”

从握球到自信地抱球, 学生们花了最初的几天学习长曲棍球的基础知识. 很快,他们学会了如何通过三个基本步骤:迈步、释放和跟随. “然后在第二周,我让它变得更有趣和互动,”布莱克斯通说. “我想看看他们是否保留了十大网赌平台推荐所做的,并将其应用到某些训练和游戏中.”

The verdict? 黑豹队大获全胜. “看到他们接到第一个球,或者得到一个非常好的传球,并为此感到兴奋, that means everything,” Blenckstone says. “That’s exactly why I’m doing what I’m doing – to see their excitement and see their engagement in something new and hopefully have them stick with it.”

很有兴趣报名你们的运动员参加今年春天的比赛? 点击这里了解更多注册信息


Early School Kicks Off the New Year with New Technology to Help Students Become Better Stewards of the Environment

罗斯早教中心到处都是闪亮的新机器人. 是的,机器人,它们以橘子皮,午餐残渣,甚至是餐巾纸为食! Meet the Lomi, a countertop food composter that’s found its way into every Early School classroom as part of the School’s U.N. Sustainability Goal of Zero Hunger.

“Last semester, 十大网赌平台推荐开始和学生们讨论十大网赌平台推荐可以做些什么来减少食物浪费,早教教师凯蒂·哈佛说. “十大网赌平台推荐开始阅读有关堆肥的书籍,以及十大网赌平台推荐的食物来自哪里以及它可以变成什么.”

After the holidays, her primary class, 和其他早教班的同学一起, 回到校园,发现一个特殊的盒子在等着他们,里面装着他们自己的洛米机器人. “Through a grant, 十大网赌平台推荐可以为每个教室购买一台罗米,早期学校的博物学家和教员瑞秋·卡特说. “现在,早教学校每天都用它们来收集十大网赌平台推荐所有的食物垃圾.”

So how does the process work? “After we eat snack and lunch, 十大网赌平台推荐把以前扔掉的所有食物都放进了十大网赌平台推荐的罗米,” Harvard explains. 孩子们透过天窗看了看, when we push the button on the Lomi, it begins its job of grinding down our food into a hay-like substance that we can recycle into our outdoor garden.”

在几个小时内,它们的食物在洛米人体内被转化. “然后十大网赌平台推荐可以用十大网赌平台推荐的嗅觉来探索里面的东西并仔细检查它, touch, and sight,” Harvard says. After making their observations, 有时用显微镜仔细观察食物垃圾的新形态, students empty their Lomi into new composting bins that sit along the edge of their outdoor classroom. 在那里,它与土壤混合,以后用于早期学校的花园.

“The process of composting nurtures our children to learn about the importance of the three environmental Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. We wonder how this will layer their critical-thinking skills to understand the significance of worms, insects, biodegradable items, and more to care for our earth.” – Early School Educators

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阿什利霍尔是一所K-12女子私立学校, with a co-ed preschool, 致力于有才华和多样化的学生群体. 十大网赌平台推荐考虑录取任何种族、肤色、宗教、民族或民族出身的学生.